My week in books and tea 10.13.19

Thank you to the publisher, Bloomsbury Publishing, for the free book featured in this post.It’s been a while but I’m back. I shared in this catch up reel post why I’ve been absent and how I’m hoping to get back on track now. In weather related news, the temperatures are finally cooling off and inContinueContinue reading “My week in books and tea 10.13.19”

Where are the books and tea? – an update

It’s been over a month since I’ve shared something on the blog. I’ve missed sharing content and chatting, but being honest, I’ve just been tired. I’ve also fallen into a bit of a rut. I’ve been questioning my content–is it too predictable, is this too much? I’ve over analyzed reviews which means I have manyContinueContinue reading “Where are the books and tea? – an update”

My week in books and tea 6.16.19

First, things first. I was hardly EVER remember enjoying a reprieve in the weather in June. Mild temperatures, no humidity and gentle breezes, if only this weather could stick around all summer long. With that said, how are we halfway through June and a few of my TBR books are in a book stack somewhereContinueContinue reading “My week in books and tea 6.16.19”

My week in books and tea 3.31.19

Spring is underway with beautiful blossoming trees and singing birds. All wonderful with the exception of the pollen haze which is terrible for allergy sufferers. Staying in doors with a good book and tea are ways to minimize exposure to the allergens. But when friends come in town, you play games, enjoy lots of laughsContinueContinue reading “My week in books and tea 3.31.19”

My Tea Challenge

Staring April 1, I’m starting a 30 day tea challenge, which means I will drink the same 3 teas until I’ve depleted my supply of those teas. This is easier said than done because I like varieTEA which makes it a challenge for me to limit my choices. I usually drink what I’m in theContinueContinue reading “My Tea Challenge”