Daniel Deronda – Review

“It hurts me now to think of your grief. You must not grieve any more for me. It is better – it shall be better with me because I have known you.” To say I was excited by the prospect of reading another book by George Eliot seems an understatement. Middlemarch and Silas Marner areContinueContinue reading “Daniel Deronda – Review”

Kyusu (Teapot) Review: Lessons During Tea Time

Steep time with new teaware! Thank you Umi Tea Sets for the gifted teapot! SERIOUSLY Tea Those who know me are well aware I take my tea very seriously. Before pandemic life, if traveling, I pack my own loose tea. If it’s dust in a bag, I’ll kindly pass. #teamlooseleaf everyday. As my tea journeyContinueContinue reading “Kyusu (Teapot) Review: Lessons During Tea Time”

Book & Tea Pairing: Turmeric Spiced

Turmeric. Instinctively, yes, it’s good for you. Reflexively, it’s been, no thanks. If I’ve learned anything, the #necessiTEA of giving teas I initially said no to, another chance, has been beneficial. Book: Afterlife by Julia Alvarez & Turmeric Spiced Tea from Vahdam Teas Case in point, turmeric blends. The health benefits of turmeric abound. ConsideringContinueContinue reading “Book & Tea Pairing: Turmeric Spiced”

Steeped in Books and Tea 11.14.20

This has been a good week as far as reading is concerned. I had a few days off from work and was able to finish these books. The Steep: Coco Chai from Natur’el Tea – a delicious rooibos with dark chocolate and spices like cardamom, cinnamon, ginger goodness in liquid form Books from left toContinueContinue reading “Steeped in Books and Tea 11.14.20”