Steeped in Books and Tea 11.14.20

This has been a good week as far as reading is concerned. I had a few days off from work and was able to finish these books. The Steep: Coco Chai from Natur’el Tea – a delicious rooibos with dark chocolate and spices like cardamom, cinnamon, ginger goodness in liquid form Books from left toContinueContinue reading “Steeped in Books and Tea 11.14.20”

Steeped in Books and Tea 10.27.2020

Update I’m giving myself a break because the reality is the whole world is dealing with a pandemic. I will not stress myself out about keeping up with my blog. I will do better and eventually get back on track. I’m getting things a bit more organized and will be scheduling some review posts soonContinueContinue reading “Steeped in Books and Tea 10.27.2020”

It’s Not All Downhill from Here

Thank you Random House #randomhousepartner for the review book. “Would you like some hot tea or does that make you feel like an old lady?”— It’s Not All Downhill from Here, Terry McMillan First off, great Auntie Lo (Loretha), I implore you and Jalecia STOP MAKING TEA USING THE MICROWAVE and dunking tea bags inContinueContinue reading “It’s Not All Downhill from Here”

My week in books and tea 10.20.19

Some weeks in reading can feel like a feast and other weeks feel more like an appetizer. This was an appetizer week since I’m reading a little bit of everything and enjoying myself. What I finished readingAsk Again, Yes introduces us to the Glessons and the Stanhopes, with the husband’s, Francis and Brian, rookie policeContinueContinue reading “My week in books and tea 10.20.19”

My week in books and tea 7.14.19

Enjoying several fun outings throughout the week proved to be just what I needed. I feel like it got me out of a bit of a rut but also reminded me to look for something in each day to be grateful for. Like those moments in the car when I’m riding home and have theContinueContinue reading “My week in books and tea 7.14.19”