Steeped in Books and Tea 7.31.2020

I’m back this week to give you a recap of my week in books and tea. How is it the last day of July already? Steeping One of my favorite teas this week come from Brooklyn Tea. I ordered 3 teas from them in mid June. I took a chance and ordered Hojicha, a roastedContinueContinue reading “Steeped in Books and Tea 7.31.2020”

It’s Not All Downhill from Here

Thank you Random House #randomhousepartner for the review book. “Would you like some hot tea or does that make you feel like an old lady?”— It’s Not All Downhill from Here, Terry McMillan First off, great Auntie Lo (Loretha), I implore you and Jalecia STOP MAKING TEA USING THE MICROWAVE and dunking tea bags inContinueContinue reading “It’s Not All Downhill from Here”