Kyusu (Teapot) Review: Lessons During Tea Time

Steep time with new teaware! Thank you Umi Tea Sets for the gifted teapot! SERIOUSLY Tea Those who know me are well aware I take my tea very seriously. Before pandemic life, if traveling, I pack my own loose tea. If it’s dust in a bag, I’ll kindly pass. #teamlooseleaf everyday. As my tea journeyContinueContinue reading “Kyusu (Teapot) Review: Lessons During Tea Time”

Book & Tea Pairing: Turmeric Spiced

Turmeric. Instinctively, yes, it’s good for you. Reflexively, it’s been, no thanks. If I’ve learned anything, the #necessiTEA of giving teas I initially said no to, another chance, has been beneficial. Book: Afterlife by Julia Alvarez & Turmeric Spiced Tea from Vahdam Teas Case in point, turmeric blends. The health benefits of turmeric abound. ConsideringContinueContinue reading “Book & Tea Pairing: Turmeric Spiced”

Steeped: Min-tea Fresh

【Min-Tea Fresh】 I know. Some won’t be enamored with a mint tea the way I am. But if you are a fan of peppermint and spearmint, I’m here to let you know, this is a green tea blend I can sip behind (tea puns a regular feature here in case you are new here). Min-tea FreshContinueContinue reading “Steeped: Min-tea Fresh”

Steeped in Shenanigans 7.23.2020

The best of intentions get lost in massive stacks of books and large pots of tea. So here goes, I will embrace the concept of a somewhat spontaneous planned weekly post. What’s going on with me? The last time I wrote a conversation post was back in April during the early weeks of shelter inContinueContinue reading “Steeped in Shenanigans 7.23.2020”

Summer Tea Series: Iced Tea

Y ‘ALL, summer is on full blast! Yes, I said y’all, my southern roots are surfacing because it’s so hot right now it was the first thing that came to mind! Going outside is COMPLETELY overrated. Is it possible to skip the heat? Don’t mind me, I’ll just be inside with a stack of booksContinueContinue reading “Summer Tea Series: Iced Tea”