Island Queen – Book Review

Thank you to the publisher William Morrow for this gifted book. “And don’t you ever take abuse or dim your light because of a fool. You’re remarkable. The rest of us are trying to catch up.” “You have to love yourself for more than a moment, ’cause moments pass.”—Island Queen, Vanessa Riley What book(s) haveContinueContinue reading “Island Queen – Book Review”

Anne of Green Gables- Review

“Even although we meet as strangers now I still love her with an inextinguishable love. It makes me very sad at times to think about her. But really, Marilla, one can’t stay sad very long in such an interesting world, can one?” Now I finally know how Anne came to live with Marilla and Matthew. ContinueContinue reading “Anne of Green Gables- Review”

Book & Tea Pairing: Turmeric Spiced

Turmeric. Instinctively, yes, it’s good for you. Reflexively, it’s been, no thanks. If I’ve learned anything, the #necessiTEA of giving teas I initially said no to, another chance, has been beneficial. Book: Afterlife by Julia Alvarez & Turmeric Spiced Tea from Vahdam Teas Case in point, turmeric blends. The health benefits of turmeric abound. ConsideringContinueContinue reading “Book & Tea Pairing: Turmeric Spiced”

Steeped in Books and Tea 10.27.2020

Update I’m giving myself a break because the reality is the whole world is dealing with a pandemic. I will not stress myself out about keeping up with my blog. I will do better and eventually get back on track. I’m getting things a bit more organized and will be scheduling some review posts soonContinueContinue reading “Steeped in Books and Tea 10.27.2020”