Island Queen – Book Review

Thank you to the publisher William Morrow for this gifted book. “And don’t you ever take abuse or dim your light because of a fool. You’re remarkable. The rest of us are trying to catch up.” “You have to love yourself for more than a moment, ’cause moments pass.”—Island Queen, Vanessa Riley What book(s) haveContinueContinue reading “Island Queen – Book Review”

Memorial Drive

Thank you to the publisher, Ecco Books, for the review book. “Perhaps this division is a metaphor [sleep paralysis] for the way I’ve lived all these years: the conscious mind struggling to move on, but the body resistant. The mind forgetting, the body retaining the memory of trauma in its cells.”Memorial Drive, Natasha Tretheway WhenContinueContinue reading “Memorial Drive”

A Kind of Freedom

“Well, I love her too, and I won’t have her fighting her way through this life. It’s already hard enough. I won’t make it harder, I can’t. I promised myself that.”A Kind of Freedom, Margaret Wilkerson Sexton This book follows 3 storylines starting with Evelyn in 1944 New Orleans, Jackie, one of Evelyn’s daughters inContinueContinue reading “A Kind of Freedom”

Best of 2019- Audiobooks

Audiobooks have changed my reading life for the better especially when commuting and running errands, doing things around the house. I’m planning to use them in 2020 to get more active. If anyone can recommend affordable wireless ear buds, I’m all ears. Speaking of ears, here’s some of my favorite audiobooks of 2019. Narrated byContinueContinue reading “Best of 2019- Audiobooks”

My week in books and tea 11.10.19

Last week’s post was a few days late (Friday) and I hope you don’t mind this one is too (Tuesday). I’m reducing my screen time on the weekend, especially Sunday afternoons and evenings. We’ve been inviting friends over playing (board) games and it’s turned into a hybrid game-tea time shenanigans. Last week’s blooming tea wasContinueContinue reading “My week in books and tea 11.10.19”