Island Queen – Book Review

Thank you to the publisher William Morrow for this gifted book. “And don’t you ever take abuse or dim your light because of a fool. You’re remarkable. The rest of us are trying to catch up.” “You have to love yourself for more than a moment, ’cause moments pass.”—Island Queen, Vanessa Riley What book(s) haveContinueContinue reading “Island Queen – Book Review”

The Gilded Years – Review

“I need to keep up the act that I have been keeping up successfully for three years. You are allowed to have your own identity. I have to create mine.” -The Gilded Years, Karin Tanabe The moment you realize the book you’re reading has your mind spinning, your heart racing with the gravity of aContinueContinue reading “The Gilded Years – Review”

Best of 2019 – Fiction

I’m back with the next installment for my best of 2019, I wanted to wait a few days to share my favorite fiction reads including short stories and historical fiction. Three of the books on this list were published this year. UNMARRIAGEABLE by Soniah Kamal “Jane Austen is ruthless when it comes to drawing-room hypocrisy.ContinueContinue reading “Best of 2019 – Fiction”

The Nickel Boys – Review

“Elwood never ceased to marvel how you could walk around and get used to seeing only a fraction of the world.  Not knowing you only saw a sliver of the real thing.” I don’t often, matter of fact, I don’t think I’ve ever, pre-ordered a book. But I promptly and without hesitation pre-ordered Colson Whitehead’sContinueContinue reading “The Nickel Boys – Review”

The Wake of the Wind – Review

“And the wind never will blow all life away, you just got to find a way to live in the wake of that wind.  Cause it leaves a wake,  full of trash flying around everywhere.” There are few who can craft and create as J. California Cooper does.  Her work should be savored while youContinueContinue reading “The Wake of the Wind – Review”