Best of 2019 – Fiction

I’m back with the next installment for my best of 2019, I wanted to wait a few days to share my favorite fiction reads including short stories and historical fiction. Three of the books on this list were published this year. UNMARRIAGEABLE by Soniah Kamal “Jane Austen is ruthless when it comes to drawing-room hypocrisy.ContinueContinue reading “Best of 2019 – Fiction”

The Twelve Tribes of Hattie – Review

In the first of twelve chapters, it’s 1925 and we meet a young black girl of fifteen named Hattie. Hattie left the state of Georgia for what she dreams is a better life in Philadelphia married to a man named August. Each chapter is named for one or more of Hattie’s children. In the firstContinueContinue reading “The Twelve Tribes of Hattie – Review”

My week in books and tea 8.18.19

Getting back on track with life this week hadn’t been easy. I’ve been tempted to take a note from one of my recent reads, The Solitary Summer, pack up my books and tea, and spend the rest of the summer (perhaps some of the fall) to enjoy the simple things, reading and drinking. I’ve convincedContinueContinue reading “My week in books and tea 8.18.19”