Memorial Drive

Thank you to the publisher, Ecco Books, for the review book. “Perhaps this division is a metaphor [sleep paralysis] for the way I’ve lived all these years: the conscious mind struggling to move on, but the body resistant. The mind forgetting, the body retaining the memory of trauma in its cells.”Memorial Drive, Natasha Tretheway WhenContinueContinue reading “Memorial Drive”

The Yellow House – Review

“Remembering is a chair that it is hard to sit still in.” The Yellow House by Sarah Broom with Chocolate Hazelnut Tea Latte from Plum Deluxe Tea Last year, I had the opportunity to attend The Decatur Book Festival with the final session of the day, being one where Sarah Broom was discussing her book,ContinueContinue reading “The Yellow House – Review”

I’m Telling the Truth, but I’m Lying: Essays – Review

Thank you to the publisher, Harper Perennial, for gifting this book. “The rocket of pain was already exploding in my head.  I couldn’t be responsible for creating new worries.  I was the oldest, it was my responsibility to be easy.  I couldn’t tell them anything else.  I was told not to write on my testsContinueContinue reading “I’m Telling the Truth, but I’m Lying: Essays – Review”

Diamond Doris – Review

“Under no circumstances did I want a ‘normal’ life–a normal, regular, everyday Black life. No way. Being humiliated at work. Paycheck to paycheck. Church on Sundays. Regular clothes. Routine relationships that don’t go nowhere. Absolutely not. Not Miss Doris Payne. I wanted more than that. I wanted nice things. I wanted to travel the world.ContinueContinue reading “Diamond Doris – Review”

Where are the books and tea? – an update

It’s been over a month since I’ve shared something on the blog. I’ve missed sharing content and chatting, but being honest, I’ve just been tired. I’ve also fallen into a bit of a rut. I’ve been questioning my content–is it too predictable, is this too much? I’ve over analyzed reviews which means I have manyContinueContinue reading “Where are the books and tea? – an update”