Where are the books and tea? – an update

It’s been over a month since I’ve shared something on the blog. I’ve missed sharing content and chatting, but being honest, I’ve just been tired. I’ve also fallen into a bit of a rut. I’ve been questioning my content–is it too predictable, is this too much? I’ve over analyzed reviews which means I have many waiting for me in my drafts section. Am I still having fun on my blog or has it turned into another obligatory item on my to do list?

And on top of all that, my lovable fur baby, almost 12 years old, had a back issue that caused her some temporary paralysis in her hind legs. A trip to the vet since she has had flares in the past but nothing this severe before. Dealing with her vet, which I will probably change after this ordeal, and a visit to the emergency vet! Recommendations for surgery and coping with the reality that my pup is aging– the stress and anxiety levels were exceedingly high.

Update: she’s in physical therapy once a week along with therapy exercises at home, she’s doing much better but has a ways to go. The goggles are to protect her eyes during her laser therapy treatment, followed by treadmill water therapy.

So I thought before I shared any of my regularly scheduled content, books and tea, it would be a good idea to share this catch up/chat post. A few highlights from the last month thanks to my journaling tendencies (book, bullet and tea journals). I’ve read more books than I’ve shared, but consider this a highlight reel for the time I’ve been away.

Week of 9.8.19

I’m Telling the Truth, but I’m Lying: Essays is one of the best books I’ve read in a while. It’s so good I’ve had a hard time trying to capture in words why this book is so important and why I think everyone should read it. I’m going to work on finalizing this review so I can share more soon.

“Broken heats are easier to explain– how do you tell someone your brain is broken?”

Week of 9.15.19

Anna Karenina was one of the readalongs I co-hosted for #AnnaInAugust19. I learned:

1) Less is more. A few well chosen discussion questions and the option for participants to leave a question to spark more conversation is ideal. I love buddy reads and readalongs but sometimes, I might be doing TOO MUCH, scarring people off with too many questions.

2) Anna Karenina is my favorite Tolstoy to date. She was complicated and I’m not sure she or I knew what she really wanted from life. Maybe that’s one of the things Tolstoy wants us to ponder.

Week of 9.22.19

Ladysitting: My Year with Nana at the End of Her Century by Lorene Cary was a book I was compelled to buy after hearing the author speak at the Decatur Book Festival at the end of August. There was something like kismet in many of the things she said when discussing her book as I thought about my own family and caregiving. I hadn’t read any of her other books but I believe I will now.

Tea Tasting at ZenTea – this was a much needed period of contentment and relaxation. Since my friend and I were the only two people who showed up for the tasting, the owner did something a little different and we had a tea-rrific time! I’m planning to write up a short post on experience and share some of the teas we had.

Here’s one that I loved enough to purchase and bring home with me – an almond oolong.

Week of 9.29.19

Red at the Bone by Jacqueline Woodson, was a free/complimentary audiobook selection from Libro.fm (Riverhead Books) in September. Libro.fm is an audiobook subscription service that supports local/independent bookstore of your choosing. Woodson evokes a rhythm in her writing that’s enchanting, hypotnotic in its fluidity and movement.  Her story telling feels familiar, drawing you so deeply, you feel like you’ve traveled the length of time and distance with those you encounter in the pages of the book.

“Something about memory; it takes your back to where you were and lets you just be there for a time.”

I binged and listened to Another Brooklyn, one of Woodson’s earlier books I picked up from my library. This book championed the beauty of female friendships, especially in those formative, adolescent and teenage years. I loved the way the picture turned out and couldn’t resist sharing.

The House of Mirth was for the #wereadwharton readalong in September and I organized the final discussion. Reading this book again showed me the value of reading a book more than once. When I read it years ago, I hadn’t discovered how much I enjoyed the classics, but one thing that didn’t change was my desire to read more Edith Wharton. Lily Bart was someone I felt more empathy for time around. The final discussion was stellar.

The Scarlet Pimpernel was the perfect change of scenery! Some mystery and intrigue plus the building suspense. A quick read to help me take my mind off things.

Week of 10.6.19

Queen Sugar by Natalie Baszile – Book or TV series adaption? My husband watches the show and I told him, like I usually do, there was a book the show was based on.  I had every intention to read the book before I started watching the show but one evening, he was watching it and filled me in on who was who and what was going on.

I think I’ve watched the last 2 seasons I felt like I knew a lot about the characters when I started the book a few days ago. The book was OK, but there was a lot of difference in the two. I’ll admit, I’m looking forward to the next season of the show, which I liked better than the book.

Now that we’ve had a chance to catch up, tell me what I’ve missed! I’m hoping to get back to a regular weekly schedule but will have to see how things go this week. What great books have you read? Teas you’ve tried and want to tell me about? Thoughts on this post? Hope to chat with you soon!

Published by booksbythecup

Lover of good books and tea

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