My Cousin Rachel – Review

“That was the infuriating thing about a woman. Always the last word. Leaving one to grapple with ill-temper, and she herself serene. A woman, it seemed, was never in the wrong. Or if she was, she twisted the fault to her advantage, making it seem otherwise.” When Philip’s best friend and older cousin Ambrose, delaysContinueContinue reading “My Cousin Rachel – Review”

My week in books and tea 11.10.19

Last week’s post was a few days late (Friday) and I hope you don’t mind this one is too (Tuesday). I’m reducing my screen time on the weekend, especially Sunday afternoons and evenings. We’ve been inviting friends over playing (board) games and it’s turned into a hybrid game-tea time shenanigans. Last week’s blooming tea wasContinueContinue reading “My week in books and tea 11.10.19”

My week in books and tea 10.27.19

Doesn’t it seem like, 30 minutes ago, it was Friday evening and now, a few hours later, we’re at Sunday night? I’m trying to figure out why the weekend isn’t an equal number of days to the work week. Things you think about over tea as you get ready for Monday… Pup update: I sharedContinueContinue reading “My week in books and tea 10.27.19”