Best of 2019 – Classics

As 2019 ends (ended) and we’re 3 days into 2020, I have been busy writing to share the books the fall into the best of the year. Reading 111 books isn’t bad, but makes it somewhat of a challenge to narrow down my favorites into just one post, like I did last year. But whenContinueContinue reading “Best of 2019 – Classics”

The Count of Monte Cristo – Review

“There is neither happiness nor misery in the world; there is only the comparison of one state with another, nothing more. He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness.” Why hello there Dantès! I thought it would be nice to reach out to you, telling you about the epicContinueContinue reading “The Count of Monte Cristo – Review”

The Black Tulip- Review

“You don’t know, sir, what I suffer. You don’t know the struggle going on in my heart and mind.” – The Black Tulip, Alexandre Dumas Tulips are a BIG deal in the Netherlands.  I discovered that when I visited a few months ago.  So when I started reading this book, I felt like I’d beenContinueContinue reading “The Black Tulip- Review”

My week in books and tea 11.10.19

Last week’s post was a few days late (Friday) and I hope you don’t mind this one is too (Tuesday). I’m reducing my screen time on the weekend, especially Sunday afternoons and evenings. We’ve been inviting friends over playing (board) games and it’s turned into a hybrid game-tea time shenanigans. Last week’s blooming tea wasContinueContinue reading “My week in books and tea 11.10.19”

My week in books and tea 6.23.19

Why don’t I just stop already and finish some books! I’m trying, believe me. I’d hoped to finish 2 books this weekend, but when family comes to visit, you are asked to put your books away (temporarily) lest they be wrestled from your hands (I see that as impossible so I’ve hidden them in myContinueContinue reading “My week in books and tea 6.23.19”