Best of 2019- Audiobooks

Audiobooks have changed my reading life for the better especially when commuting and running errands, doing things around the house. I’m planning to use them in 2020 to get more active. If anyone can recommend affordable wireless ear buds, I’m all ears. Speaking of ears, here’s some of my favorite audiobooks of 2019.

Narrated by John Lee


The Count of Monte Cristo

Tackling tomes with great narrators contribute greatly to bringing the stories to life and being able to read on the go. John Lee has been a long time favorite and I’d recommend him, especially for some classics. He also narrates Ken Follett,s Pillars of the Earth series, I have 2 left.


The Last Train to London

Tante Truus, a Dutch woman who, with the help of many others, organized Kindertransports helping over 10,000 children out of Europe before the ourtbreak of WWII. This historical fiction account by Clayton seemed daunting at first but it reads quickly. I became invested in Truus story, her determination to help children whose childhoods were stolen from because of all the turmoil and uncertainty of impending war.

Narrated by Bahni Turpin and others

Look Both Ways

LOOK BOTH WAYS by Jason Reynolds is a short book of ten tales of middle grade kids that made me laugh and remember being a kid can be fun, but it can be hard too. Bahni Turpin and a cast of narrators made me feel like I was back in school facing some of the things common and not so common among the kids. Thanks to librofm for the free audiobook.

RED AT THE BONE by Jacqueline Woodson

Red at the Bone

I enjoy Bahni Turpin’s narration and now look for more books she narrates. When I got the chance to listen to Woodson’s new book courtesy of librofm listening program, it was an easy choice. Woodson evokes a rhythm in her writing that’s enchanting, hypotnotic in its fluidity and movement.  Her story telling feels familiar, drawing you so deeply, you feel like you’ve traveled the length of time and distance with those you encounter in the pages of the book. With talented narration, the book was one of my favorite. I’ll publish the full review later.

Narrated by Juliet Stevenson

DANIEL DERONDA by George Eliot

Daniel Deronda

One of the first books of 2019 and I have a review I need to proofread. (Reads another book with no shame). Juliet Stevenson’s narration is stellar and probably one reason this book didn’t feel as long as it did at times. Although the book bears the name of a young man named Daniel Deronda, we encounter him briefly in the early part of the book, we become well acquainted with a young lady name Gwendolen

Action Item: finalize and publish review for Classics Club list.

BELGRAVIA by Julian Fellows


Told in 11 episodes, Belgravia was reminiscent of Downton Abbey, each episode being delivered in a way to make you want more. I had no idea what the Belgravia was about but picked it up because of the narrator Juliet Stevenson. She is a phenomenal and I’m convinced I would listen to almost anything she narrates. Belgravia was a quick read/listen and I would 100% recommend the audiobook. Juliet Stevenson is stellar and I can’t say enough about her brilliant narration.

Narrated by Jonathan Pyrce

MY COUSIN RACHEL by Daphne duMaurier

My Cousin Rachel

After reading a book that was a forerunner to Rebecca, I decided it was time to revisit duMaurier. I chose My Cousin Rachel and found a new narrator that made finding out what happened with Ambrose, Philip and Rachel impossible to put down.

Narrated by Nadia May

ANNA KARENINA by Leo Tolstoy

Anna Karenina

Are tour surprised to see Anna Karenina on another list? I linked what I said about the book above so I won’t sound like a broken record. Nadia May is probably one of the first narrators I came to enjoy and look for in my audiobook journey. This audio was available at my library and thankfully, no one else was reading on audio because I had to renew it once to finish!

Published by booksbythecup

Lover of good books and tea

10 thoughts on “Best of 2019- Audiobooks

  1. I remember listening to Bahni Turpin narrate The Hate U Give, and she drove me bonkers. All the grown men sounded the same, and she made all the white kids sound like 90s valley girls, which was a weird choice. I think I would like her more if she were reading an adult memoir, so she only needs to do her voice.


      1. How long have you got, ha ha… I like Pop Culture Happy Hour, What Should I Read Next?, The Office Ladies, Code Switch, It’s Been a Minute, Happier with Gretchen Rubin, Dolly Parton’s America, Reading Glasses… there are a few more… I clearly have a problem! 🙂


  2. Fantastic selection – must look out for some of these! A great narrator really can make a huge difference. I love anything Derek Jacobi narrates, and Jonathan Cecil is brilliant at the PG Wodehouse Jeeves and Wooster books if you’re a fan. And Hugh Fraser has given the Agatha Christie books a whole new lease of life for me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A great narrator can bring a story to life can’t they? I’m always interested in finding new narrators because I usually have an audiobook going (or 2). I haven’t read any Wodehouse but I’ve been meaning to. I’ll see what I can find at my library! Thanks!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I wish I had the time to listen to audio books. My commute is too short and if I try at home I just fall asleep! I listened to my one and only audio book in 2018 and really enjoyed it but only managed it by making my commute longer which isn’t ideal!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It took me a little time to get accustomed to audio but now I listen when doing chores, shopping, commuting and around the house. Once I was baking and my husband said, what is that you’re listening to. I said a book. He said, I know but how can you understand what they are saying, it sounds like another language. I laughed and told him I adjusted the listening speed. But having a commute does help!


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