Anne of Green Gables- Review

“Even although we meet as strangers now I still love her with an inextinguishable love. It makes me very sad at times to think about her. But really, Marilla, one can’t stay sad very long in such an interesting world, can one?” Now I finally know how Anne came to live with Marilla and Matthew. ContinueContinue reading “Anne of Green Gables- Review”

My week in books and tea 10.13.19

Thank you to the publisher, Bloomsbury Publishing, for the free book featured in this post.It’s been a while but I’m back. I shared in this catch up reel post why I’ve been absent and how I’m hoping to get back on track now. In weather related news, the temperatures are finally cooling off and inContinueContinue reading “My week in books and tea 10.13.19”

My week in books and tea 9.1.19

Hello September! Will you soon bring the cool crisp mornings I love? Weather that allows me to sit by an open window, with a book and a lot of tea? I sure hope so because summer has been too hot. Review ICYMI: Excellent Women What I finished readingWhen I encounter people drinking tea in theContinueContinue reading “My week in books and tea 9.1.19”