Daniel Deronda – Review

“It hurts me now to think of your grief. You must not grieve any more for me. It is better – it shall be better with me because I have known you.” To say I was excited by the prospect of reading another book by George Eliot seems an understatement. Middlemarch and Silas Marner areContinueContinue reading “Daniel Deronda – Review”

Buddy Reads in 2019

Last year in a post, Motivated to get reading, I talked about buddy reads and readalongs; how both have become a routine part of my reading life. This prompted a recent discussion with Diana @ Thoughts on Papyrus about finding someone to read and discuss books with, especially if we don’t have someone who sharesContinueContinue reading “Buddy Reads in 2019”

My week in books and tea 1.20.19

So here we are at the end of the week of reading (and drinking) along with some meaningful conversation with fellow bloggers. I have FINALLY figured out I can be a bit more spontaneous about posting and I can work on getting back to some of the things I had planned for this blog whenContinueContinue reading “My week in books and tea 1.20.19”

Reading Goals – Updates & Plans

Halfway through January and I realize I didn’t share an end of year update on my reading goals for 2018. While I did manage to share some of my favorite reads of the year, trying to read and catch up on reviews put this post on the back burner unfortunately. But I look at thisContinueContinue reading “Reading Goals – Updates & Plans”

Best of 2018 – favorite reads

365 days. 52 weeks. 12 months. All equivalent to one calendar year and if you’re anything like me, you spend as many of those days, weeks, and months reading and drinking tea. I wanted to share my best reads of the year, one book for each month. Although some months I enjoyed more than oneContinueContinue reading “Best of 2018 – favorite reads”