Steeped in Books and Tea 11.14.20

This has been a good week as far as reading is concerned. I had a few days off from work and was able to finish these books. The Steep: Coco Chai from Natur'el Tea - a delicious rooibos with dark chocolate and spices like cardamom, cinnamon, ginger goodness in liquid form Books from left toContinue reading "Steeped in Books and Tea 11.14.20"

Memorial Drive

Thank you to the publisher, Ecco Books, for the review book. “Perhaps this division is a metaphor [sleep paralysis] for the way I've lived all these years: the conscious mind struggling to move on, but the body resistant. The mind forgetting, the body retaining the memory of trauma in its cells.”Memorial Drive, Natasha Tretheway WhenContinue reading "Memorial Drive"

Steeped in Books and Tea 10.27.2020

Update I'm giving myself a break because the reality is the whole world is dealing with a pandemic. I will not stress myself out about keeping up with my blog. I will do better and eventually get back on track. I'm getting things a bit more organized and will be scheduling some review posts soonContinue reading "Steeped in Books and Tea 10.27.2020"

A Kind of Freedom

“Well, I love her too, and I won’t have her fighting her way through this life. It’s already hard enough. I won’t make it harder, I can’t. I promised myself that.”A Kind of Freedom, Margaret Wilkerson Sexton This book follows 3 storylines starting with Evelyn in 1944 New Orleans, Jackie, one of Evelyn's daughters inContinue reading "A Kind of Freedom"

Silver Sparrow

“Women on television have friends they can count on. My mother’s favorite TV show was The Golden Girls, about these four old ladies that live together...solving each other’s problems, being each other’s bridge over troubled water. With my Grandma Bunny a year in the ground, my mama didn’t have anybody but me.” Silver Sparrow, TayariContinue reading "Silver Sparrow"