Anne of Green Gables- Review

"Even although we meet as strangers now I still love her with an inextinguishable love. It makes me very sad at times to think about her. But really, Marilla, one can’t stay sad very long in such an interesting world, can one?” Now I finally know how Anne came to live with Marilla and Matthew. Continue reading "Anne of Green Gables- Review"

Plum Tea Crazy – Review

Thanks Berkley Publishing for this book of a fun tea shop mystery. "Kettles steamed, candles flickered, and the Aroma of sweet Moroccan Mint tea and malty Assam tea permeated the Indigo Tea Shop." —Plum Tea Crazy, Laura Childs Can't you just smell the deliciousness that is The Indigo Tea Shop? If not I've attempted toContinue reading "Plum Tea Crazy – Review"

Book & Tea Pairing: Turmeric Spiced

Turmeric. Instinctively, yes, it's good for you. Reflexively, it's been, no thanks. If I've learned anything, the #necessiTEA of giving teas I initially said no to, another chance, has been beneficial. Book: Afterlife by Julia Alvarez & Turmeric Spiced Tea from Vahdam Teas Case in point, turmeric blends. The health benefits of turmeric abound. ConsideringContinue reading "Book & Tea Pairing: Turmeric Spiced"

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry —Review

“Cassie, there’ll be a whole lot of things you ain’t gonna wanna do but you’ll have to do in this life just so you can survive.”—Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, Mildred D. Taylor Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, e-book on tablet with a list of books on The Zora Canon with a smallContinue reading "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry —Review"

What it Means When A Man Falls from the Sky: Stories

“Some people find it easy to be good when the going is good but lack the fortitude for hardship." - What It Means When A Man Falls From the Sky What it Means When A Man Falls from the Sky, Lesley Nneka Arimah This collection of 12 stories was quite enjoyable. I had to steepContinue reading "What it Means When A Man Falls from the Sky: Stories"