My week in books and tea 8.18.19

Getting back on track with life this week hadn’t been easy. I’ve been tempted to take a note from one of my recent reads, The Solitary Summer, pack up my books and tea, and spend the rest of the summer (perhaps some of the fall) to enjoy the simple things, reading and drinking. I’ve convinced myself that adulting is somewhat over-rated at times; am I alone? Well, here’s how this week shapes up.

What I finished

The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis has been on my radar for years. When a friend mentioned she wanted to read it, I was eager to justify buying a copy and getting started. I’d like to say more a this but since I’m finishing up my final thoughts on this one, stay tuned, more thoughts soon.

If You Want to Make God Laugh by Bianca Marais is one I’ve been picking up and putting down, not because I didn’t find it a good story, but because life and other reading priorities nudged it to the side. The book is set in post-apartheid South Africa in 1994, where we meet Zodwa, Ruth and Delilah. All three women are dealing with the aftermath of something traumatic, but eventually, their lives come together. Overall, a good book, but I think I might like Marais first book best.

Finishing books I started was a good way to deal with the periods of no sleep due to jet lag.

What I’m reading

Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy has taken me by surprise. My experience with this book has been opposite of the one I had with War and Peace. Anna and Levin, two of the main characters, have me in eager expectation about what’s coming next. Tolstoy’s ability to portray the thoughts and musings of his characters, even the female characters has been spot on.

I’m Telling the Truth but I’m Lying by Bassey Ikpi has been outstanding. I’m purposefully taking my time with each essay. My pencil and book darts are not far outside of this photo. I’m taking my time by reading no more than 2 essays at a time, while sipping this Chai latte made by yours truly. Ikpi has captivated me more and more with each essay, but so far, Young Girls They Do Get Weary is probably just the tip of the iceberg. Thank you Harper Perennial for sending me this free review copy.

What I’m steeping

☕️The Cup: Coconut Chai |🍃Tea Type : Black | ✉️ From: Søstrene Grene

I’ve been chai-ing very hard to get back into a routine this week and it’s not been easy. This Chai blend with a hint of coconut was just what I needed and a tastea reminder of why good tea is so important. Not to mention it pairs well with this editon of Emma.

☕️The Cup: Ba Da Shun Wild Tree|🍃Tea Type : Raw Puerh | ✉️ From: Crafted Leaf

I received this puerh in a free sampler from Crafted Leaf Tea making this an ideal time to enjoy a slightly modified gongfu tea experience. I prepared my water, pulled out my gaiwan, sitting in my tea nook while enjoying several infusions of this tea, seven if you’re couting. This experience made me realize I need another gaiwan and a proper gongfu tray.

Published by booksbythecup

Lover of good books and tea

3 thoughts on “My week in books and tea 8.18.19

  1. Your pun on “chai-ing” actually made me guffaw out loud. You’re so good at puns, Shell 😀

    I think once the seasons clearly change, you’ll get into a rhythm. There’s nothing like that first announcement that everything is going to be flavored with pumpkin spice to make a person feel like creating and meeting new goals.

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