My Week in books and tea 3.16.19

I’m feeling unhinged by my lack of reading time this week, or should I say progress with books from last week. How did I manage to start 2 more books and finish (audio is a life saver) but didn’t make much progress with my current reads from last week? I blame it on that hour I lost in the morning because of Daylight Savings Time. I love the extra daylight in the evening but it hasn’t translated into extra reading time in the evening, probably because I’m too sleepy when I get home.

What I finished reading this week

Stand by Your Truth: And Then Run for Your Life! by Rickey Smiley (click link for my review).

A long time fan of comedian and syndicated radio personality, Rickey Smiley, when I saw this book at the library I jumped at the opportunity to read it. Especially since he narrates the book himself. Smiley’s approach to life reflects his southern values and beliefs as instilled in him by his grandparents, his mother, and his family oriented community.

Victoria by Daisy Goodwin was an enjoyable historical fiction account about Alexandrina Victoria, who becomes queen of England at eighteen, when her uncle dies.

Although she’s young, she’s no pushover. She’s determined to chart a path of her own making with no interference from her mother or Sir John, her mother’s advisor, a man Victoria detest. I enjoyed this one very much but felt like this were just getting good by the time it ended. But I guess the book is a good introduction before watching the PBS Masterpiece show. Guess I’ll have to watch it to find out more.

What I have been drinking

☕ The Cup: Peppermint Tea | 🍃 Tea Type: Herbal | From: Harney & Sons

There is something soothing and very relaxing about a cup of peppermint tea. Sometimes it feels like a hug from a loved one, expectant and familiar, nurturing and relaxing. This is hands down the best peppermint tea on record for me to date.

☕ The Cup: Pomegranate Oolong | 🍃 Tea Type: Oolong | From: Harney & Sons

When the weather warms up, I start to crave a bit of fruit in my tea. Or maybe it’s the signs of spring, the blooming trees and the bright flowers, the longer days. This oolong infused with pomegranate leaves is a wonderful ode to spring although pomegranate season is from October through February. Who knew? The tea makes me happy. If you aren’t a fan of oolong I think this is a lovely introduction to this type of tea.

☕ The Cup: Pina Colada | 🍃 Tea Type: Rooibos | From: Simple Loose Leaf (courtesy of a tea friend)

Rooibos is one of my go to teas in the evening and this rooibos blend with coconut, vanilla and pineapple is a little tropical. Sipping and allowing the liquid to rest on my palate while breathing through my nose before swallowing brings the pineapple to life. The coconut spoke up just a bit when I had a gluten free coconut cookie I dipped into the tea a time or two.

What I’m Currently Reading

I haven’t finished any of the books I told you about last week! It’s been one of those weeks and I blame it on the time change. Since I planned to participate in a readalong discussion of Cane by Jean Toomer on Instagram (bookstagram) at the end of the month along with a discussion on the blog with Melanie @ Grab the Lapels, I will start another book this week!

What I’m Planning

So last week I mentioned I’m going to plan a tea party but more than likely it won’t be for a few weeks and since spring official starts March 20, I’m going to need to rethink the tea menu I had planned.

But this week I have been giving some thought to a self imposed 30 day tea challenge. What would that be? Can I, the moody tea drinker, start a tea rotation of the same 3 teas morning, noon, and evening until my inventory of those are diminished? How many teas could I finish in one month with this approach? How long would I make it without being in the mood for a favorite? Is this even possible?

I’d like to discuss the idea of hosting some classics readalongs or buddy reads here on the blog. After a great discussion of Roots over the last 6 weeks, I’d be happy to do this again and have others join. Some potentials classics I’d like to read are here but I’m open to suggestions. Please leave me some comments of classics you’d be interested in reading.

Published by booksbythecup

Lover of good books and tea

24 thoughts on “My Week in books and tea 3.16.19

    1. I really enjoy that tea! I know people sometimes don’t enjoy oolong so I think it’s one that will please the palate either way. Victoria was a quick read and of course I want to know more about her after the book ends..maybe I should binge watch the first season. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s what I love to hear. Do you have some favorite oolongs you keep on hand to drink?

        I always have the best intentions about watching something I’ve read but sometimes I don’t follow through. Maybe I’ll make plans to watch some this week 😂


  1. Hey, Shell! I didn’t get an email back about Cane. Are we doing a conversation post together? If so, I’ll make sure I get reading! When would you want to have that conversation post published on your blog by?

    I looked at your classics club list. I think there are some that need a hyperlink–you read them! Congrats! Uncle Tom’s Cabin might be a good one to read right after Roots so you can compare. Harriet Beacher Stowe was a white woman whose book ended up in President Lincoln’s hands, and it was said that her text changed his mind about abolition. He had been on the fence about outlawing slavery for quite a time. It can’t be proven that he said anything to her, but it’s widely reported that he did. Anyway, you could compare Uncle Tom, who loves his master more than he loves himself, to Kunta Kinte or even Chicken George.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Really? My goodness I think I’m forgetting way too many things this week. I thought I’d responded for sure. Sorry about that. I’ll email you because I wanted to ask to about that one.

      You are right I’ve read some but need to finish my reviews. I have a few that need some polishing.

      I like the idea of reading Uncle Tom’s Cabin but I think I need a month or two before I chew on that one. But I like the way you think! 😊


      1. Not a problem! ANd you’re right about waiting to read Uncle Tom’s Cabin; two slave narratives back to back can be emotionally exhausting. I remember when I read Frederick Douglass’s slave narrative in college. We read Harriet Jacobs’s story right after that. I almost didn’t feel much when I read her slave narrative, and I wonder if it’s because I was desensitized after reading Douglass’s narrative.


    1. I think the show is where you get the majority of the story or at least that’s the impression I got. I looked up the book, Victoria and Albert and it talks about making the show but I am curious how much talks about their relationship.

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      1. Their courtship comes at the end of the book (I got it for Christmas in 2017 and read it right away), so it’s not a point that the majority of the book revolves around. It’s mostly how Victoria learns to stand up for herself when everyone around her is trying to make her into their puppet because she’s young.

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      2. I have season 2 on my DVR and started one episode only to stop it because I was like, “I need to know what happens at the end of the book!”. Lol. I haven’t either. I always plan to watch something I’ve read and it seems like it always takes me forever. The last books I read then watched (hey that’s something to chat about maybe?) was David Copperfield and Hard Times and the new BBC edition of The Woman in White

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I have so much waiting for me on my Netflix queue, but I might watch a couple of hours each week, plus the new episode of Star Trek: Discovery. I have been too busy reading!

        There was a BBC (I think) version of Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None starring Charles Dance, among others. It was fantastic! Definitely something to add if you haven’t already seen it. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      4. And here we have it, watch what you read! I enjoyed Christie’s And Then There Were None. I actually let a friend borrow it and they didn’t give it back but the framework of the book in my mind. Thank you so much for this conversation and recommendations.

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      5. You’re welcome! Bookish conversations are always fun! I will have to remember to look up Woman in White. I’ve heard of it many times, but I’ve never read it or seen any adaptations. Is the BBC one out yet, or is it upcoming?

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  2. 30 day tea challenge sounds interesting but also like a real challenge. And Pomegranate oblong sounds like a tea which might be perfect for Spring. Happy reading

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