Steeped in Short Stories #SteepedInShortStories

It’s been a while since I’ve had a chat outside of posted reviews. I’m getting my blog rhythm back slowly but surely. But I needed some time to think about what I wanted reading to look like this year. I shared my 2020 Reading Ambitions with one specific way I wanted to steep my reading.

That involved creating a challenge that would involve choosing short story collections from my shelves, steeping a pot of tea and staying #SteepedInShortStories

Short stories offer us something that novels do not. With a novel, even a masterpiece like THEIR EYES WERE WATCHING GOD, our attention is aimed at one or two characters as we take a deep dive into their complicated psychology, actions, and circumstances. With each short story, we encounter the same degree of complexity, but the characters’ experiences are distilled into a few defining moments.” -foreward by Tayari Jones

Hitting a Straight Lick With a Crooked Stick: Stories, by Zora Neale Hurston

I’ve heard people say they don’t like short stories for various reasons.  I can recall saying the same thing myself.  But over the last few years, I’ve come to savor their beauty, slowing my pace and allowing each story to stand on its own.  Pausing between each one, allowing myself the time to wait, similar to what I’d do while steeping a cup (or pot) of tea. Then enjoying what each sip (story) yields in flavor.

I’m super excited about the latest shenanigan that’s been steeping. When I read the quote above in the foreword of Hurston’s new book, I knew it was time to share this brew with you. To talk about and share the goodness to be had when you sit down with a cup of tea and a collection of short stories.

I hope you will join me. The idea is for you to pick up a collection of short stories throughout the year and use the hashtag to share them. After talking to a few book buddies, we realized short stories don’t get the time and attention they deserve. Stay tuned for a review of the book pictured here, Hitting a Straight Lick With a Crooked Stick by Zora Neale Hurston.

Hitting a Straight Lick With a Crooked Stick

The Steep: Coconut & Chai Blend from my travels abroad last year. I enjoyed it so much that’s it’s all gone now.

Published by booksbythecup

Lover of good books and tea

6 thoughts on “Steeped in Short Stories #SteepedInShortStories

  1. As I have so many short story collections unread on my shelf I will join you st some point this year! I have always enjoyed short stories. It doesn’t bother me that I’m only with the characters a short time. I also want to read the new Hurston collection, it’s on my list.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m glad you’re paying attention to short stories and even noting that they really should be read differently. I like to pair a novel and a short story collection. I’ll read one short story and then several chapters of the novel. Otherwise, all the short stories blend together and I feel like I’ve read an unsatisfying novel.

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      1. I think part of the reason I wanted to announce a readalong with Flannery O’Connor is she really shines with short stories, but reading more than one of hers at a time can be overwhelming. So, one per day seemed about right.

        Are you home from work right now? My library job is closed for three days while they figure things out.


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